Hein van den Berg – Personal Testimony – To the Glory of God!

MY PERSONAL TESTIMONY   HEIN VAN DEN BERG 25 AUGUST 1943    –    SATURDAY 25 AUGUST 2018 75 YEARS OLD Saturday 25 August 1958 – Saturday 25 August 2018                                       60 Years of eschatology (second coming teachings)   Saturday the 25thof August 2018on my 75thBirthday, it was exactly 60 yearsago while I was in a hospital in … [Read more…]

Simultaneously escalating of prophetic events & fulfilments

Simultaneously escalating of prophetic events & fulfilments   Massive knowledge increment in the recent 100 years   Dan 12:4 God shortens time               Matt 24:22 Al 10 virgins are spiritually asleep                 Matt 25:5 Ministers & church members are lukewarm           Rev 3:16 “Church – hopping” by multitude of Christians escalate          Amos 8:11-12 Multitude of false ministers worldwide                  2 Peter 2:1-23 Massive … [Read more…]

The Jezebel – Spirit

THE JEZEBEL – SPIRIT CRITICAL INFORMATION THAT EVERY CHRISTIAN MUST HAVE & UNDERSTAND IN THIS FINAL HOUR. And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free! (John 8v32) INTRODUCTION Question: Who were present in Eden during the creation? God (Joh 1v1-3), Jesus (Joh 1v9-10), Holy Spirit (Gen 1v2) and Lucifer (Ezek 28v13) … [Read more…]

Presentations on Youtube

We are starting to upload all our presentations to youtube.  Please share with everyone. We will be upload all our english and afrikaans presentations – please watch feel free to watch these videos. REALITY OF PROPHECY REALITEIT VAN BYBELSE PROFESIE SEMINAAR (Afrikaans) REALITEIT VAN BYBELSE PROFESIE SEMINAAR MET HEIN VAN DEN BERG SE GETUIENIS (Afrikaans)

Prophetic Chronological order

PROPHETIC CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER   Syria accommodates Hezbollah fighters that wants to destroy Israel, thousands of rockets have already been fired (Ps 83:1-9) at Israel. ISRAEL is the apple of GOD’s Eye, HE confuses the Muslim-inhabitants of Syria (Gen 15:11-12,Zech 8:10(c) Sunni and Shia Muslims start to wipe out each other like flies, all the buildings and … [Read more…]

God’s Promise of Salvation

GOD’S PROMISE OF SALVATION TO HIS PEOPLE ISRAEL & THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD If we look around us today, what do we see? Chaos worldwide and the core being the Middle-East and Israel at the centre of this chaos! (Isaiah 10:23 / Ezek 38:12)   To understand prophecy we must go back 4000 years in God’s … [Read more…]

Cremation – Verassing

CREMATION – AN ABOMINATION IN GOD’S EYES CRITICAL REASONS WHY CHRISTIANS SHOULDN’T UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE CREMATED.   “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit & soul & body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thes 5 v 23 “Know … [Read more…]