When a Jewish young man meets the girl of his dreams he goes to his father & tells him about it.If his father agrees with him, both of them depart to the girl’s parents’ house. When they arrive at the house, the parents are informed and the daughter’s prize is negotiated. As soon as an agreement is reached and the prize paid, the engagement follows.
After that, the bridegroom and his father return to their house, whereupon the bridegroom begins to build a house for his fiancé (Wife Matt 1:20-24) at his father’s house (John 14:1-3)
In the meantime, the bride prepares herself to go to her future residence, living a pure and holy life. She must have enough oil in her lamp and jar, because her bridegroom will come according to Jewish wedding tradition at midnight to steal her from her parents’ house (1 Thess 5:2).Her burning lamp is placed in the window every night as a sign to her bridegroom of her maidenhood (sanctification) and that she is ready to go.
As soon as the bridegroom has finished building the house, the father inspects it to see is everything is in order and then gives him consent to go and fetch his bride. Then the bridegroom and travelling companions start their journey by foot and arrive at midnight while everyone is sleeping. Thus, as they reach the house they see the exact spot where the bride sleeps, because her lamp is burning. Then they call her (trumpet – 1 Thess4:16) and literally steals her from her parents’ house (1 Thess 5:2) She takes her personal belongings and her lamp and jar full of oil (Matt 25:6-10) for the long walk to the bridegroom’s house.
As soon as they arrive, they go into the bride-room together for seven days (Gen 29:27-28). In the meantime, the bride’s parents wake up and realize that the bridegroom came during the night and sneaked their daughter away. They then prepare themselves to depart to the bridegroom’s house for the wedding and marriage feast (Rev 19:7-9)(Gifts are given to the bride – 1 Cor 3:9-14, 2 Cor 5:10 & Rev 22:12)
Jesus came to earth on command of His Father (John 3:16) and came to buy us with His precious blood on the cross. Thereafter He returned to His Father’s house to go and prepare us mansions (John 14:1-3) after which He will come and fetch us (1 Thess 4:13-17 & Matt 25) and take us away to Heaven for seven years, where we receive our rewards and crowns from God and Jesus as bride. In the meantime, the guests arrive (Jews & 5 unwise virgins – Rev 7:9 & 14 & Rev 19:9) the wedding and wedding Feast of the Lamb takes place in Heaven (Rev 19:6-9) and we return as wives with Jesus our “Husband” back to earth on white horses (Rev 19:11-15 & Zech 14:5C) and the magnificent honeymoon takes place with Him. We reign with Him as Kings & queens for a 1000 years (Zech 14:9,Rev 5:10 ,Rev 20:6 & Isaiah 11:1-9)
Important to note and understand is that in heaven, five possible crowns are waiting for you. A martyr crown, a soul winner’s crown, a holy course of life crown, a good shephards crown and a second coming of Christ crown. According to your good works every day you’ll receive precious stones in your crowns (Matt 6:19-21 & 1 Cor 3:12-14) and the amount of crowns and precious stones in your crown will determinate your position at the wedding feast and where you’ll sit and the amount of cities you’ll rule over as king in the 1000 years of Peace (Luke 19:11-26)