Hein van den Berg – Personal Testimony – To the Glory of God!

MY PERSONAL TESTIMONY   HEIN VAN DEN BERG 25 AUGUST 1943    –    SATURDAY 25 AUGUST 2018 75 YEARS OLD Saturday 25 August 1958 – Saturday 25 August 2018                                       60 Years of eschatology (second coming teachings)   Saturday the 25thof August 2018on my 75thBirthday, it was exactly 60 yearsago while I was in a hospital in … [Read more…]

Lone en Krone

Lone en Krone Wat ‘n voorreg –Jesus se geskenk aan al Sy ware gehoorsame kinders! “Ons gaan krone dra, ons gaan krone dra, die dag as Jesus weer kom, gaan ons krone dra”! Hierdie wederkoms liedjie word dikwels ywerig deur menig christene regoor Suid Afrika tot eer van God gesing.   Vraag :  Waarom is … [Read more…]

Rewards and Crowns

Rewards and Crowns Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written theirin : for the time is at hand! What a priviledge – Jesus’s gift to all His true obedient children! Question: Why are there rewards and crowns? God’s word declares that … [Read more…]

The Election

GOD’S GREAT GIFT TO US – WITH AN URGENT WARNING! THE ELECTION.  Romans 11 v 11-26 It is the most astronomical privilege to be a part of God’s election – so much undeserved mercy! Question: What does it mean to be chosen by God? It is of cardinal importance to understand God’s election correctly, to … [Read more…]

Youtube videos

Kort beskrywing van profetiese eindtyd biblioteek – Afrikaans https://youtu.be/awFHf9i3UBU Short Description of Bible Prophecy – English https://youtu.be/U3wt8tcf1dc

The marvellous simplicity of the book – REVELATION

The marvellous simplicity of  the book – REVELATION. Written in the year 95 a.d.   At that time Jesus answered and said, “I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes!” Matt 11 v 25   Revelation … [Read more…]